
About me

Daniel is a skilled leadership and career coach.

With a genuine love for deep conversations, Daniel guides clients in exploring their true selves, navigating complexity and understanding their thought processes.

This intuitive approach empowers clients to make meaningful changes and unlock their full potential.

With a background in sales, learning & development and leadership, Daniel brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to each coaching session. His holistic approach focuses on aligning personal values, professional aspirations, and mental well-being to create a harmonious and purpose-driven life.

Connect with Daniel today and take the first step towards a more balanced, fulfilling, and purposeful life.


  • ICF Accredited Diploma in Transformational Coaching from Animas Centre for Coaching

  • Certification from Enneagram Prison Project

  • University degree in Digital Media

  • Current mentor and coach at global technology company

  • Certificate from Harvard Business School on Coaching Leadership Principles

  • Association of Coaching Accredited Coach

  • Certificate from Institute of Continued Education - Cambridge University in Executive Coaching

  • Recovering people pleaser


I have really enjoyed my coaching time with Dan. The most notable thing I picked up on was the clarity that I gained after each of our sessions. I would go in with a head that was buzzing with ideas / problems / solutions / frustrations when it came to my development with no clear idea of how they all tied together and of what a clear route through them all was. Dan was able to create the space for me to reflect and really dig down to the factors that underpinned them all in a very calm, open and honest way. After a short time with Dan I had such a clearer understanding of what I needed, how to articulate that and ultimately how to progress. I am very grateful for the clarity, reflections and actions that have come from our sessions together - thanks Dan!
Ash, Devon

Working with Dan as a life and career coach has been nothing short of amazing. I’ve worked with several coaches over the years, but Dan has the unique ability to express empathy and authenticity whilst guiding me through applicable activities. In just a few sessions of working together, I felt that I developed tangible goals to work towards that would facilitate both my personal and professional growth.
Kiran, London

I’ve worked with Dan as my life coach for over a year and it was an incredibly valuable experience. His skill at asking the right questions helped me to understand my thoughts, feelings, and motivations on a deeper level. His empowering coaching style guided me towards discovering my own answers, which was essential for my personal growth and development.
What stood out to me was Dan's remarkable empathy and insight, allowing him to truly hear and understand my perspective. He tailored his approach to my unique needs, making our coaching sessions invaluable.
Overall, I highly recommend Dan as a life coach for anyone seeking to take ownership of their personal development and gain a deeper understanding of themselves.
Jacob, Zurich

I have been working with Dan for just over a year and he has been helping me to develop my managerial skills to become a more effective Manager. He is great at unlocking my ability to think differently and encourages me to think of other options. Dan has given me a fantastic tool belt to enable me to further my career in Management and I would highly recommend him to anyone looking for personal and professional development.
Ben, Surrey